Intraction of Alumni With Students

Interaction of Hon.Sau. Salinitai Vikhe Patil Mam with alumni

Interaction of alumni with Students

Alumni present during alumni meet

Alumni meet function

Alumni meet function

Alumni meet function

Dr. Shrikant Tripathi (Alumni 2002) Director, Only Health Pvt. Ltd. And CDO group Brisbane Australia guide students on topic Opportunities for Pharmacy Students in Abroad

Dr.S.B. Bhawar welcome and felicitate Dr. Prasad Gorde sir (Alumni 2002) Principal, Matoshri Meeratai Aher College of Pharmacy, Nagar. a resource person.

Expert talk by Dr. Gorde Importance of organic chemistry

Expert talk by Dr. Gorde on How To Learn Medicinal Chemistry

Expert talk by Dr. Raut Herbal drug cultivation and collection Practices

Expert talk by Mr. Dumbare on Current trends in pharmaceutical Marketing and Sale

Expert talk by Mr. Mahesh Bihani Alumni 2002 batch on Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management

Expert talk on topic Basics of Human anatomy and Physiology by Mr. Mahendra Giri

Felicitate Mr. Mahesh Bihani Alumini (2002) currently working as General manager (Planning and outsourcing ) Medreich Limited a resource person.

Interaction with students bt Dr. Raut Herbal drug cultivation and collection Practices

Interaction with students by Mr. Dumabre

Interaction with students

Mr. Mahendra Giri (Alumni 2004 ) Director, Saidnyan Institute Shirdi Pvt Ltd. a resource person.

Welcome Dr. Shrikant Tripathi (Alumni 2002) Director, Only Health Pvt. Ltd. And CDO group Brisbane Australia a resource person

welcome Dr.Dipak Raut sir (Alumni 2004 ) Prof. Amrutvahini college of Pharmcy Sangmner

Alumni association sponsored one day workshop on Novel approches to drug discovery

Felicitation of participants by Alumni

Dr. R.L.Sawant Prof. and H.O.D dept. of Chemistry Dr. V. V.P.Foundation, College of pharmacy, Nagar as resource person guide on topic Computer Aided Drug Design.